A colorful view of the splendid gardens around the Grand Thermal Hotel in the northern Algerian spa town of Hammam-Righa. Carré moved to Algeria in 1909 and stayed for the rest of his life, where, as "a talented draughtsman and colourist, [he] sought to convey the emotion of the artist's vision in a blend of detail and soft, pastel shades." Orientalist p. 36.
Reine des Stations, hivernales, thermales et Minérales d'Allergie Grand Hotel: Splendides Parcs, Jardines et Forets-Chasses-Jeux-Orchestre
Guérison: Rhumatismes, Arthrite, Anémie
Queen of Winter, Spa and Mineral Resorts of Algeria Grand Hotel: Splednid Parks, Gardens and Forests-Hunting-Games-Orchestra
Healing: Rheumatism, Arthritis, Anemia.
Printed in France