Linen backing is the industry standard of conservation. Canvas is stretchered and a sheet of acid free barrier paper is laid down. The poster is then pasted to the acid free paper using an acid free paste. This process is fully reversible and gives support to the poster. A border of linen is left around the poster and can be used by a framer to mount the poster so that nothing touches the poster itself.
The price of this poster includes linen backing.
A native Carib in an oversized straw hat stands in a grove of palm trees offering her handcrafted jewelry for sale. A lush and exotic image highlighting some of the Caribbean's alluring charms.
"Pan American was the first U.S. airline to fly jets when in 1958 it launched Boeing 707 service to Paris, France. The 70s also signaled a new phase of growth in tourism to the Caribbean" (Art of the Airways p. 137).