Ku Klux Kreed -- We, the Order of the Women of the Ku Klux Klan, reverentially acknowledge the majesty and supremacy of Almighty God and recognize His goodness and providence through Jesus Christ our Lord.
We avow the distinction between the races of mankind as decreed by the Creator, and we shall ever he [sic] true to the maintenance of White Supremacy and strenuously oppose any compromise thereof.
The phrase Non Silba Sed Anthar - Not Self, But Others is recognized by the anti-Defamation League as a Hate Slogan/Slang Term of the early 20th century KKK. This card offers a full pledge of racism and white supremacy under the guise of Christianity and Jesus Christ.
Some of the images and language that appear in our collection depict prejudices that we do not condone. This content is presented as historical documents to aid in the understanding of American history. Please note we sell material such as to preserve that history so it cannot nor will be forgotten.