Extremely rare racist KKK brochure showing hooded Klansmen astride hooded horse carrying an American flag.
Brochure reads,
The Ku Klux Kreed
We, THE ORDER of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Reverentially acknowledge the majesty and supremacy of the Divine Being, and recognize the goodness and providence of the same. WE RECOGNIZE our relations to the government of the United States of American, the supremacy of its Constitution, the union of states thereunder, and the Constitutional laws thereof, and we shall be ever devoted to the sublime principles of a pure Americanism and valiant in the defense of its ideals and institutions. WE AVOW the distinctions between the races of mankind as same has been decreed by the Creator, and shall ever be true in the faithful maintenance of White Supremacy and will strenuously oppose any compromise thereof in any and all things. WE APPRECIATE the intrinsic value of a real practical fraternal relationship among men of the kindred thought, purpose and ideals and the invite benefits accruable therefrom, and shall faithfully devote ourselves to the practice of an honorable Klannishness that the life and living of each may be a constant blessing to others. - Original Creed Revised.
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