This poster is currently unbacked. At check out, you will be given the opportunity to add backing which would cost $350 and take approximately 6-8 weeks.
Linen backing is the industry standard of conservation. Canvas is stretchered and a sheet of acid free barrier paper is laid down. The poster is then pasted to the acid free paper using an acid free paste. This process is fully reversible and gives support to the poster. A border of linen is left around the poster and can be used by a framer to mount the poster so that nothing touches the poster itself. Backing is what we recommend for framing, and for any poster needing restoration.
Gordon Douglas giant bug insect attack science fiction horror thriller ("A horror-horde of crawl-and-crush giants clawing out of the earth from mile-deep catacombs!"; "'This city is under martial law until we annihilate Them!'"; "Kill one and two take its place!"; "No menace like it known to man or beast before!"; "An Endless Terror! A Nameless Horror!"; "The Amazing New Warner Bros. Sensation!"; "Warner Bros'. amazing new sensation!"; "A horror Horde of crawl-and -crush giants clawing out of the earth's steaming depths!"; "Clawing up from the steaming depths of the earth Them!"; "Trains derailed - ships at sea sunk by Them!"; "Kill one - and two take its place! A horror-horde so terrifying there was no word to describe") starring James Whitmore, Edmund Gwenn, Joan Weldon, James Arness, Onslow Stevens, Sean McClory, Chris Drake, Sandy Descher, Mary Ann Hokanson, Don Shelton, Fess Parker, Olin Howlin, and Leonard Nimoy (in an uncredited role)
"An Endless Terror, A Nameless Horror, THEM" is a tagline used to promote the classic 1954 science fiction horror movie "Them!", which features giant, mutated ants as the monstrous threat, signifying the overwhelming and seemingly unstoppable nature of the creatures attacking humanity.
This is the top 2/3rds of a 3 heet movie poster. Extremely rare and wonderful graphic. Please note stains and losses at top edge.